The JCK Show marks its 20th year in Las Vegas, and things sure have changed! Las Vegas became the important battleground for jewelry trade shows, and then economic forces beyond anyone's control disarmed the battle. Yes, there are still changes (JCK moving to the Mandalay, for example) but the reality has not changed. There are fewer manufacturers extant that can exhibit--and others that have simply dropped out--and there are ever fewer retailers that can come and buy. We should set aside the question of whether this is good or bad; whether in some ways we are better off not having the overheated market of the boom years. But on the supplier side, we know that we have long suffered from too much capacity, a condition that will probably continue for quite a while. The low barriers of entry into the business assures that. And on the retail side, we have undergone many years of consolidation and stratification that has forced retailers to adapt or...
Observations on trends and events in the gem and fine jewelry business.