Last time, we wrote about the Gig economy, and now we move on to an important part of that movement, the Millennials, and, by extension GenZ. It is most important to think about our youth carefully, not only out of concern for their future, but also because they now account for the biggest part of our economy. And, in many ways, they will either accept or reject much of the extraordinarily complex world we are passing on to them. I restate the list issues covered in the series of posts: The Gig Economy Millennials Climate Change Consolidation and/or Decline Natural Diamonds vs Lab-Grown Banking Image Demographics Retail Evolution Industry Structure Millennials. This generation is now fully into its prime working years, but does not have the sense of optimism felt by the Boomers and even GenX. For those who are the children of the top 10%, there is some sense of entitlement, earned or not. But for the rest, forget any se...
Observations on trends and events in the gem and fine jewelry business.