The last two posts covered scenarios that I think are totally possible, even probable, as we move further into a time of declining production of diamonds and increasing production of MMDs - man-made diamonds. Until relatively recently, MMDs were too often the means for people to realize extra profits by deceiving buyers. Even experts cannot detect MMDs without special equipment, and for years no such equipment was available. Yes, labs could detect MMDs, but it is very safe to assume that only a tiny percent ever got that far - most MMDs are smaller stones. In addition, productions were so small, that finding them was more by accident then by a directed search. I recall being told years ago that a New York based lab found MMDs because a major auction house checked all diamonds being auctioned, mounted or loose, as a matter of course. I have never heard of any other company doing that. Of course, diamond "imitations" have been around a long time. There...
Observations on trends and events in the gem and fine jewelry business.