First off, my apologies to readers of this blog, for not having written for a while. No, I have not disappeared, just had a busy time for a few months. But here we are running into the Summer trade shows, so it's time to offer some perspectives! In thinking over the cross-currents pummeling our business these days, I realize that we are but one cork bobbing around in heavy seas. True, we have issues that are peculiar to the business, but economic, technological and political upheavals occurring world-wide are also making it very difficult to get clarity on where we might be heading. Still, some developments warrant a close look, even if the effects will not be fully felt for a few years. One that I have written about before is the rise of man-made diamonds (MMD's) in the trade. In my view, there will be three moments in time when MMD's will reach tipping points, moments when their presence in the marketplace will force us to adapt. I'll cover tip...
Observations on trends and events in the gem and fine jewelry business.