I still hear about retailers who think they can bully and threaten suppliers who dare to post their products, in one way or another, on the Internet. Not only is that a teaspoon against the tide, but it is an astounding failure to understand retail dynamics and the remarkable transition we are seeing. Looked at narrowly - only in respect to the so-called battle between bricks and clicks - the issue is plain to see. Even if a supplier does not open their own web site, their customers will post images and information about the products on their sites. It does not matter if the web site is a pure play web retailer or another traditional jeweler. The effect is the same - another retailer is "invading" the threatening retailer's territory. Moreover, every evidence indicates that the more a brand or product is shown, the more everyone selling the brand benefits. That, as I said, is looking at the issue narrowly. But traditional jewele...
Observations on trends and events in the gem and fine jewelry business.